Museum Week
Museum Week is a data driven artwork representing Twitter activity related to the each museum taking part in the Museum Week 2015.
During the 7 days, 2207 museums from 64 countries took part. Each artwork is customized based on the data from the museum's Twitter profile, it's tweets and general activity around the Museum Week. The artwork was exhibited live at Cité de l'Architecture et du Patrimoine in Paris during that week.
- Twitter
2015 / Paris, FR + Global

The artwork was a response to Twitter Museum Week so we wanted to put the museum in the center. The idea is to reverse the every day role of a museum of displaying artworks and turn the museum into an artwork itself.
The artwork is constructed from two parts:
First one is solid, architectural core representing the museum as a permanent institution. The number of years the museum is on twitter twists the DNA-like spiral shape of the structure. The small modular elements are determined by profile id and the number of followers that the museum has is influencing the complexity of the whole structure. Additionally we show every tweet by the museum itself as a spherical shape inside it's structure.

To give even more unique identity to each artwork we use museum's twitter profile theme color and colors of the logo avatar image as the palette. Our inspiration was the concept of Ville Spatiale series by architect Yona Friedman - a modular vertical city where it's inhabitants have influence on the shape of the space they live in. There is no space without people. Every time somebody tweets #museumweek a burst of energy spreads across the museum structure.
This tweet data is also driving the second element of the artwork which I call the flow. With every tweet we add a stroke flowing around the museum. We want to give you a feeling of how much activity around Museum Week there is on Twitter currently. These strokes are like people, just visiting the space and ephemeral like tweets themselves
Live artwork
The website was available on mobile as an interactive 3d experience and many museums shared their artwork on the social media.